The Tricolor Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a deciduous tree known for its stunning rose-colored hues, low-hanging branches, sleek gray bark, and oval variegated leaves, which display a captivating palette of green, pink, and white shades.
It grows best in a full sun or partial sun location with well-drained soil, increasing in size about six to 12 inches a year on average, and can reach its ultimate height in 30 years. This tree is best planted in an area where it has room to grow.
Perennial ground covers and mulch are recommended around newly planted Tricolor beech trees to retain soil moisture. It is a hardy tree that can withstand colder climates.
30’ height; 20’ spread is ideal for this tree. Plant in an area where it has room to grow.
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Remove broken, dead or rubbing branches to prevent bark injury in the late winter dormant season.
No serious issues. Invasions of borers, Japanese beetles, aphids, and caterpillars are common, but not deadly to the species.